Lucky 13!

July 12, 2024

Lucky 13!

Are you superstitious? I’m not. The investigation I’ve done into “why is 13 considered unlucky” essentially reveals that it’s not. Unless you think it is. Enough postulation.Why is "Lucky 13" the topic of this? “Toddy Talks” is 13. Woop woop.Here are 13 th...
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What's in your CVA?

March 13, 2024
Recently I dropped my vehicle off for its warrant of fitness. A routine procedure. “Give me an hour and it’ll be done” the service manager said.Half an hour later my phone rang. “It’s failed” he said. “There’s a chip in your CVA”.“Where?” I said.“In y...
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Context and Perspective

November 19, 2023
Have you noticed that if an opposing view is shared on an online platform it is more than likely to get a barrage of commentary along the lines of “how could you?” Or “get back in your box”.An opposing view doesn’t necessarily make it wrong. It is simply different ...
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The book or the movie?

June 8, 2023

The Book or the movie? 

Given the choice would you rather read the book or watch the movie? We all have our preference for the way we take in information. Some of us like the detail that a book provides while others prefer the more animated, perhaps highlights reel, version provided by the mov...
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If the events of the past 2-3 years have done nothing else, they have reinforced how much we as humans crave interpersonal contact. When we were all locked down what did we crave? Being able to get out and see people. When there were limits on the size of gatherings that cou...
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Doesn't it feel good when you do something you've been meaning to!  It doesn't have to be a big thing either. It might be something as simple as tidying up your desk, making a call to someone you've had on your mind for a while or starting an exercise habit.  It's ...
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Three things...

February 2, 2022

Three things to focus on

1) “All of a sudden” it is February. 2) 10% of the year has passed. 3) What does the rest of the year hold? With so much uncertainty around us as the world copes with the pandemic perhaps it is important to find a few simple things to focus on. Things you can control. ...
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One of the responses we are seeing to the global pandemic, from where I sit, is an increasing tendency for a higher authority, eg “the government”, to be expected to take responsibility for the circumstances people find themselves in.  Is that how it should be? ...
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Which "P" matters most?

March 10, 2021
In these uncertain and ever changing times keeping some form of focus can be difficult.  In thinking about putting this together I thought simplicity would be a good starting point. Perhaps find a single letter of things that can keep things simple and then put somethin...
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Food for thought...

September 30, 2020

Food for thought...

It’s an old expression - “Food for thought”. The more you think about it, no pun intended, the more the importance of it dawns.  We spend a lot of time making sure we have enough food on our respective tables to sustain ourselves physically but how careful, or sel...
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