
"Old enough to have life experience to draw on, and still young enough to be enthusiastic..."


Meet David Todd: Trainer, Professional MC, Facilitator, Keynote Speaker

An unforgettable experience based on sound principles and 30 years of experience

If you are looking for someone who can communicate with you and your people, who provides authenticity, simplicity and principles that have genuine relevance, then you have come to the right place.


With Toddy’s rural background and upbringing - what you see is what you get. He’ll take the time to find out what’s important to you and deliver.


An ability to take the complex and make it simple. Then to take what is simple and make it compelling.


Principles and practices that can be genuinely applied in personal and professional lives. Are they really that different?

See Toddy in action

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Toddy Talks...

Who is Toddy?  Watch this short video, a day in the life, to find out more.

“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.”

- Jim Rohn (author and speaker 1930 - 2009)​

Take charge today

Jim Rohn’s quote above encourages you to take charge.

If you are looking for Sales Training, an MC for your next business function, an independent facilitator, a workshop for your team, or a keynote speaker, take charge and get in touch with Toddy.  His experience speaks for itself.

Have a question? Send Toddy a message

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Thank you for your enquiry, I will be in touch soon. Cheers, Toddy

Latest News

Lucky 13!

Are you superstitious? I’m not. The investigation I’ve done into “why is 13 considered unlucky” essentially reveals that it’s not. Unless you think it is.  Enough postulation. Why isRead more

What's in your CVA?

Recently I dropped my vehicle off for its warrant of fitness. A routine procedure. “Give me an hour and it’ll be done” the service manager said. Half an hour later my phone rang. “It’sRead more

Context and Perspective

Have you noticed that if an opposing view is shared on an online platform it is more than likely to get a barrage of commentary along the lines of “how could you?” Or “get back in your box”.Read more

The book or the movie?

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"Be there" and.................lose your phone

If the events of the past 2-3 years have done nothing else, they have reinforced how much we as humans crave interpersonal contact. When we were all locked down what did we crave? Being able to get Read more

What gives you a sense of pride?

Doesn't it feel good when you do something you've been meaning to!  It doesn't have to be a big thing either. It might be something as simple as tidying up your desk, making a call to someoneRead more

Three things...

1) “All of a sudden” it is February. 2) 10% of the year has passed. 3) What does the rest of the year hold? With so much uncertainty around us as the world copes with the pandemic perhapsRead more

Are you taking responsibility?

One of the responses we are seeing to the global pandemic, from where I sit, is an increasing tendency for a higher authority, eg “the government”, to be expected to take responsibility for theRead more

Which "P" matters most?

In these uncertain and ever changing times keeping some form of focus can be difficult.  In thinking about putting this together I thought simplicity would be a good starting point. Perhaps find aRead more

Food for thought...

It’s an old expression - “Food for thought”. The more you think about it, no pun intended, the more the importance of it dawns.  We spend a lot of time making sure we have enough food on ourRead more

10 Lessons learned looking forward

With the world now hunkered down to battle a new bio security threat there are some interesting observations to be made and lessons to be learned.  How have you coped with the changes you have hadRead more

20 Things for 2020 with 20 days to go

As we conclude the second decade of the 21st century I suspect there will be plenty of posts, or puns, about having 2020 vision for next year.  Having had that thought I then thought some more.  Read more

Clients Toddy has worked with

ANZ - Toddy Talks
Brokernet - Toddy Talks
BWR - Toddy Talks
Central Districts Pest Control - Toddy Talks
CP Wool - Toddy Talks
Cervus - Toddy Talks
Craigmore Farm - Toddy Talks
Dairy NZ - Toddy Talks
Euro Corporation - Toddy Talks
Farmax Pro - Toddy Talks
The Cardrona - Toddy Talks
Fastway Couriers
Focus Genetics - Toddy Talks
HB Racing - Toddy Talks
Hereworth - Toddy Talks
Kelso - Toddy Talks
Landcorp - Toddy Talks
Logan Stone - Toddy Talks
Miller Creative - Toddy Talks
My Farm - Toddy Talks
Mission Estate Winery - Toddy Talks
Pioneer - Toddy Talks
Ravensdown - Toddy Talks
Silver Fern Farms - Toddy Talks
Simcro - Toddy Talks
Southern Wide - Toddy Talks
StockCo - Toddy Talks
The Cardrona - Toddy Talks